Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve - 358/365

It's Christmas Eve! 
Goodness, time sure does fly! 
 I swore I wasn't going to be out and about on Christmas Eve, but there I was. Reagan and I headed out for just a few errands, then home to FINALLY finish wrapping. It was never ending this year! 
 This evening, we were spending Christmas Eve at Jim's mom and dad's with Adrienne, Jake, the kids & Mabel! We had a great time! 
Nikki and Mabel made an awesome dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn, steamed veggies, and soup. YUM! It was so good! 
After dinner, while we were waiting to for everyone to get settled, Papa held a short impromptu dance party with the girls. They loved it! 
 Next, it was time to open presents! The kids are all at such a fun age to watch open presents. They get so into it and they all offer to help the adults open their gifts, too! I think the present of the night was the slinky grandma got each of the kids. They were tearing around the house with their slinkies. The girls actually curled up in the chair and were giggling away with them. It was so cute! We showed them how the slinky can walk down the stairs and they LOVED that! 
 It was such a fun night for everyone and all the kids got some great presents. They were all anxious to play with their treasures. 
When we got home, we had to lay out our cookies and milk for Santa. Reagan was so excited to lay out the cookies she baked herself for him. She also wanted to give him "magical milk." Magical Milk is just plain white milk with Nesquick stirred in. She LOVES stirring it. We got Santa all set and turned in for the night. 
 The photo of the day is the kids and papa all sitting around a present and Reagan with her new phone....
Next, Jillian and Reagan giggling with their slinky.
Next, Santa's cookie station all ready! 
The last Eppie Adventure - back in his sleigh with his reindeer. He left Reagan a note and chocolate. LOL! 

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