Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Shopping, Dinner and our Cards - 351/365

Shopping, shopping, shopping today! 
 Jim had his typical Tuesday of work and rotary. Nothing too out of the ordinary for him. 
 Reagan was going to spend the day with Jim's mom, so I could run a few Christmas errands. Grandma was actually going to take her to what would be her last music class. Reagan really loves it, but she's now way older than all the other kids. It's sad that she went from being the youngest one, to being the oldest. It seems in a blink of an eye, too! We're still going to keep her in art class at All the Little Birds, but no more music. So sad. 
After class, they went running a few errands themselves, and then went back over to grandma's for a little. Reagan helped grandma put stickers on all her Christmas cards. She loved it! 
 I ran a bunch of errands and picked up our Christmas cards. We never had the chance to take a formal "Christmas" picture of all of us, so we just opted to use one of our pictures from our private Disney World photo shoot at Animal Kingdom. They came out way better than we could have expected! We loved them! 
 This evening, Nana, Papa, Jim, Reagan and I, were supposed to go up to Lake Metroparks Farmpark to take in their Holiday Lights program. We had been pretty excited to go, but we all got so behind in our Christmas chores, that we opted to not go. There is really no easy way to get there from Youngstown, so it takes about an hour and a half on two lane roads. It would have been three hours travel time, plus, the time exploring the grounds. It was supposed to be snowy up in the Chardon area, too, so we just decided stay in town. We decided to have dinner at the new Fifth Season instead. We had a really nice time. It really worked out! We were thankful that we did choose not to go, because it was snowing like crazy! Maybe we'll try to go next year!
I didn't have any "people" photos today, so, the photo of the day is our 2013 Christmas Card.
Eppie Adventure - making a snow angel.

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