Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dinner with Santa - 338/365

Today, Reagan and I spent the day running some errands. 
I had a few things to get for the cruise and I wanted to get Jim and Reagan some groceries to have while I was gone. We had a fun little adventure just her and I. 
 This evening, Jim, Reagan and I were having dinner with Santa at Boardman Park! It was a cute little event. 
 In the main dining room, they had the tables all decorated for Christmas and Rudolph playing on a big screen. Reagan was totally into it! They had a buffet of chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, and corn. They also had a veggie tray, applesauce, along with, cookies and cupcakes. 
After we ate, we headed into the "play" room. Santa was in there for pictures and a chat with the kids. Reagan ran right over to him and hopped up on his lap! It was adorable, she snuggled right up there. 
 After she visited with him, we moved over to the craft tables. She decorated a gingerbread girl with stickers and did a great job. All the important parts went in the right place! She made a little foam winter penguin ornament, too! Her favorite project was a snow measuring stick. It was a little paint stirrer they turned into a snowman. It was adorable. She had the best time gluing all the pieces on. When it was time to go, she was pretty upset. She said, "I want to stay at this place!" When we finally got her to agree to go, she did want to run over to Santa and say thank you for dinner. It was SO CUTE! We all had a great time! 
 Once we got in the car, we took a ride through the park to check out the Christmas lights. She LOVED them. Her favorite was Santa's sleigh with Rudolph leading the way. We ended up driving through a couple times. 
When we got home, Reagan and I had some special time, since I wasn't going to see her for a couple days. We had a special bath and cuddled in mommy's bed watching a Christmas DVD. It was so nice to get some snuggle time in. 
 Jimmy and hung out later and watched some of our favorite DVR'd shows. It was a nice way to spend the evening. I'm going to miss them SO MUCH!!! 
The photo of the day is us with Santa.
Next, her and her projects...
Eppie Adventure - Train ride!

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