Thursday, December 12, 2013

Disney on Ice & Sunrise Lunch - 346/365

Today was another busy day! 
 Jim went off to work and Reagan and I got ready to go to a luncheon. 
Last year, my mom invited some of the residents from Sunrise Assisted Living to Tippy for a Christmas lunch. My grandma and grandpa used to live there, so we got to know everyone pretty good. My mom still volunteers for some of their events from time to time. They all really enjoyed the lunch last year, so she decided to do it again. It's so nice for them to get out and about. A couple of the ladies really got a kick out of watching Reagan play. They were nice enough to bring her a little present, so she was completely content through the whole lunch. They brought her a Minnie Mouse classroom with Minnie as the teacher and two little mice students. She loved it! 
 All the residents loved their lunch and especially their cake! My mom had iced sugar cookies and candy canes in individual bags for each of them. Reagan loved going around and passing them out. They each got a big smile when she handed them their treasure. It was a really nice afternoon for everyone! 
 This evening, we were heading downtown to the Covelli Center for Disney On Ice: 100 Years of Magic. We were so excited! We had front row seats, too, bonus! 
 We grabbed our popcorn and got settled in the seats. It was a great show because it touched on almost everything! The first half had almost every princess come out, Reagan was in absolute heaven! They did parts from Ariel, Cinderella, Jasmine, Belle, and Snow White. Even Pocahontas and Mulan, it was really great! They also had a Nemo act, which was really cool! The sharks came out, which made Reagan a little nervous, but she still liked it. 
 The second act, had the Incredibles, Pinocchio and Lion King. The Incredibles, were a little boring for us, we were never that into it. The Pinocchio part was fun. We could not figure out how his nose kept getting longer and shorter. It was amazing! 
 One of our favorite parts was, It's a Small World. They transformed the castle they had, into the front of the, It's a Small World Ride. They had the "clock face" and everything, it was really neat. That was one of Reagan's favorite rides this time, so she LOVED it! 
They even threw in an act of Toy Story, which was kinda cool.  
At the end of the show, a lot of the characters came around to the edge of the ice and were shaking all the little one's hands. Reagan was thrilled that Ariel stopped by and said, hello! 
We had a really fun time and Jim and I both said, it was probably one of the best Disney on Ice we've seen! 
The photo of the day is Ariel saying hello to Reagan....
Next, all of us at the show....
Reagan and Nana passing out favors at the Sunrise lunch...
Eppie Adventure - Making a tower

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