Saturday, December 14, 2013

First 5k & Tippy Polar Express - 348/365

BIG day today! 
Rachel and I were running our very first 5K! 
We were SO nervous and were secretly hoping that the Winter Weather Advisory would prevent us from going. It was supposed to start snowing overnight, but of course we woke up and there wasn't one flake. We decided that we should just go ahead and do it! 
 We got there right around 8:30 and signed in. With our registration, we got long sleeve T-shirts with the race name on them. They were pretty cool and we were pretty excited. We got our timing chip to put on our shoes, and we were all set. We were getting more nervous as the minutes went on, but were so excited, too! 
We lined up at 9:00 and they sent us on our way. The snow, of course, started falling just as we were getting started, it was a hoot. We started off strong and did the first mile in 12 minutes. Then, we came to a couple hills. We both are used to training on pretty flat terrain, so the cold air and hills messed with us a little bit. I had also been fighting a minor cough through the week, so the cold air started irritating my throat. My lungs suddenly felt like they were on FIRE! I ended up having to slow down to a walk for a for a minute. I told Rachel to go ahead and go without me, so I didn't mess up her time. 
 We both were feeling a little rough on the way back, but we both completed our run! Woohoo! Rachel had a time of 38:23 and I had an even 40. We both just said, we didn't want to come in last and we didn't! It was so great crossing that finish line and seeing Jim, Reagan and Nana cheering us on! They were the best cheerleaders there! 
We had both trained pretty good in the Fall, but as the weather got colder, we both hadn't trained for awhile, if at all! We are both just so proud we did it, especially when we both tried to bail on it the night before! 
We're already talking about our next one!! LOL!
Reagan had a great time at the race just chowing on the donuts they had there! She ate two! LOL!
When we got home, we took showers and were off to our next event! 
 This afternoon, we going to Tippy for their Polar Express Brunch. What fun this was! We got our tickets and were seated in our "train car" by the conductor. 
They started by singing a few songs and introducing everyone. 
Now, it was time for the hot chocolate. They brought it around to everyone and then the next thing you knew, the "hostess" and the "actor" kids started running around the room THROWING mini marshmallows everywhere. They were just hurling huge hand fulls! The tables and floor were COVERED! It was a hoot!!
 Next, was time for the buffet and they had a wonderful selection. They had different breakfast breads, eggs, potatoes, bacon, sausage and waffles. Once you headed back to your table, the hostess, stood on a chair and poured syrup down on your waffle. It was crazy! Syrup was everywhere! 
While everyone was finishing their food, they held a little contest. Papa was selected to play! They had five chairs lined up and were going to see how much whipped cream you could hold in your mouth. Papa didn't win, but he did a great job! It was too funny! 
 Finally, it was time to listen to the story. All the kids went to the front of the room to listen. Reagan nestled up next to an older girl. It was the sweetest thing. The little girl was so welcoming of Reagan's cuddles, too! LOL! 
At the very end, all the kids received their bells, Reagan was super happy! What a fun, fun event! Tippy did an excellent job! 
What a super productive day!
The photo of the day is me crossing the finish line! Not to awful bad for my first one! 
Next, is Rachel and I at the sign...
Us at the Polar Express Brunch...
Papa in his Whipped Cream competition...
Eppie Adventure - Hanging in the blinds...

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