Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Polar Express - 337/365

Tonight was the Polar Express! 
Reagan just loves going on the Cuyahoga Valley Railway. She was pumped! 
 Jim, Reagan and I were meeting, Nikki, Adrienne, Alexandra, Andrew and Jillian. Matt was supposed to join us, too, but got called into work at the last minute. 
The kids had their matching pajamas again this year! Nikki ended up finding them on the Disney Store website. They were maroon with little Mickeys all over them.
 We got there nice and early to make sure we got seats together. We decided to try the Parlour Car this year. It was really nice, because it had tables in it. It seemed to give you more room to sit and more room to put your stuff. We really liked it! 
The kids ended up taking over one table. They seemed so grown up sitting there together. They just sat real nice and munched on their cookies while listening to the story. They were so good! 
  They all loaded up on popcorn and hot chocolate, too. Nikki was helping the smaller ones with their drink, while it was still a little warm. The girls were sharing a cup, so Nikki would hold it up, the one that wasn't getting any would say, "Me, me, me!" It was too funny! 
Reagan was munching on some chips at one point, when she asked Ally if she wanted one. Ally replied, No, I'm full." I said to Reagan, "I'll have one. I'm not full." She looked me right in the eye and said, "Mama, then you eat your popcorn." It was too funny. I did have a half a bag of popcorn sitting right there. Guess she told me! 
 When we finally got to the North Pole, they were glued to the window, so excited to see everything. It was just darling. It's so fun to watch the wonder in the little one's eyes. 
 The ride back was fun. They sang lots of songs. All the little ones in our group got to attempt to sing a line from the Twelve Days of Christmas. 
Andrew even go to tell a joke over the microphone. It was too funny!
Finally, Santa made an appearance in our car. The kids were so excited, but so patient, too! They absolutely loved the bells he gave them! They were all shaking them! Reagan even broke into a chorus of Jingle Bells!
When we were getting close to the station, all the kids in our car, got to go up to the microphone to say what their favorite part of the Polar Express was. Reagan said her favorite part was the train.
She really does love trains. Anywhere we go with a train table she is just glued to it. 
When we loaded her in the car to go home, she said, "I don't want to go home. I want to go back on the Polar Express." She really had a great time hanging out with her cousins. 
We all had a great time and are already looking forward to next year. 
 The photo of the day is all the kiddos on the train.  
Next, Jim, Reagan and I enjoying our ride. 
Eppie Adventure - putting on a concert for his friends. 

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