Friday, December 13, 2013

Hat Head - 347/365

Today was kind of busy. 
Jimmy had his normal day at work. Reagan and I hung around the house. She played and I got a little bit of blogging done. I'm so far behind from our cruise. It felt good to get, "kind of" caught up. This afternoon, I had a much needed hair cut scheduled. Nana picked Reagan up about 12:30 and I headed out around 1:30. It's amazing how a hair cut can make you feel good. It's always nice to get prettied up. 
 After my hair appointment, I headed out to Fellows to take a few pictures for a family friend. We had a fun time roaming around taking pictures. They have everything decorated so beautifully for Christmas! 
Reagan was staying at Nana and Papa's for dinner, so Papa could spend some time with her.  
Jim and I, ended up just getting Wedgewood for dinner. We hadn't had it in awhile...YUM! 
 When Reagan got home, she was in rare form. She's always excited when she gets home from Nana's. She started playing with a little bucket we store her toys in. She could see through the front, so she was running all around the kitchen with it on her head. It was a hoot! She's so silly! 
After she went to bed, Jim and I just lounged around. Brinkley was in quite the cuddle mood tonight, so I spent lots of time snuggling him. He keeps you nice and warm in this cold weather! 
The photo of the day is Reagan with her hat...
Next, snuggle time with Brinkley...
Eppie Adventure - Toilet papering Reagan's Christmas tree...

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