Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Car Sick - 244/365

Today, Jim was doing his Presidential duties at Rotary. He said it was a good meeting, with nothing major to report. He's really enjoying being the President. 
Nana, Reagan and I were heading up to Crocker Park to meet Nikki and Ally for lunch at Brio and maybe get a manicure after. 
We were trucking along up the turnpike and Reagan was singing away as she always does. All of a sudden, she started crying and saying her throat hurt. We couldn't pull over, so I just turned around and was trying to comfort her. All of a sudden she started coughing and then threw up all over herself. Mr. Fuzzy and Puppy were covered, too! She was screaming and I was ready to gag. LOL! 
Thankfully, Nana was there,who is not bothered by vomit, to save us both. She got Reagan all cleaned up and spared me from vomiting as well. LOL!
Before Disney, Reagan had been saying her throat hurt a little bit, so we thought for a second she may be sick. The doctor didn't see anything and didn't even put her on meds. He just said if she complained again, he would run further tests. We thought it was still lingering effects of her complaining then.
By the time Nana got her cleaned up and we were ready to get back in the car, she was back to her dancing and singing self. So ultimately, we think she was just car sick. She had some apple juice and goldfish crackers early in the ride, so they must not of sat well together. 
We ended up having to cancel with Nikki and Ally, because we didn't want to take a chance of her getting them sick before their trip to Myrtle.
We were six miles away. Ugh. LOL!
We ended up turning around and heading home. By the time we hit Streetsboro we were hungry, so we stopped and had lunch at Rockne's, since Nana did have a change of clothes for Reagan.
Reagan was fine and ate her grilled cheese like a champ. She even chowed down on the Oreo they gave her for dessert. She seemed fine the rest of the day, thank goodness. 
Hopefully, we can reschedule our lunch day, soon.
Here is a picture of how close we were to our destination. LOL!
 And Reagan chowing on her Oreo. You would never know anything happened.

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