Saturday, September 13, 2014

YSU and Rachel's Surprise Party -255/365

Today we had a lazy day hanging around the house in the morning.
I did a little cleaning and Reagan and Jim played outside for a little bit. 
This afternoon and evening was going to be a busy one! Jim was heading off to the YSU football game with Greg. No one was tailgating for this game, so they ended up tailgating in Greg's car. They had chips and salsa sprawled out on the console. They put the salsa in the cup holder and a couple beers in the side pockets of the door. They were laughing. It was a hoot.
The game itself was good. It started out a little rough for YSU, though. After the first quarter, they were losing by a touchdown. They ended up coming back and winning with an amazing score of 
44-13 against Butler. 
While Jim was there, Nana and Papa came to pick Reagan and I up for Rachel's 30th surprise birthday party. Jim was just going to meet us at Alberini's after the YSU game.
Rachel seemed so surprised when she came through the door, but we all think she was on to it. Ron said she asked him questions all day. 
The party itself was fun! Nana, Papa, Jim, Reagan and I, sat with Cindi and Larry. We had a fun time catching up with them. It was so nice to see everyone at the party. Everybody is always so nice. Parker and Reagan had a fun time dancing, jumping off chairs and helping the DJ with some tunes. They both got to wear his headphones. It was adorable!
Reagan even helped Milana get a lesson in walking.
Super fun day!
The first picture is Greg and Jim at the YSU game. 
Next, is Rachel, Ron, Milana and Parker at the party
Reagan and Parker getting down!
Finally, Reagan helping Milana walk.

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