Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Red Day and Cow Poop - 251/365

It was red day at Reagan's school today and she was excited to wear her new red dress! 
She looked so adorable in it, too! 
She said she had a great day and was so proud of her red circle project. 
She also spent the rest of the day singing a song they learned about red.

R-E-D red, R-E-D red
I can spell red, I can spell red
Firetrucks are red, stop signs are red, too
R-E-D, R-E-D

We are just so happy she is loving school. We get so excited to hear her stories, hear what she learned and see what she makes. They do such a fabulous job with the kids.
While she was off at school and Jim was at work. I had my first MOPS meeting for this session. It was so great to be back with the other mom's and was excited to see lots of familiar faces at my table. Love those ladies! 
This evening was garbage night, so I wanted to walk around the yard and pull a few weeds and start pitching some of my flowers that are look scraggly. I saw this old hose I had been meaning to pitch, but just hadn't "felt like" dealing with it. Well, finally today, I felt like it.
It had been there awhile, so it was covered in mud and was kinda heavy. I was trying to bag it up and it kept brushing on my leg. My leg was covered in mud by the time I was done wrestling with the hose. I needed a shower.
When I went in the house, Reagan looked at my leg and said "Oh mama, what happened to your leg? Did you get cow poop on it?" LOL! Where in the world did that come from? Yes Reagan, I went in the back yard and rolled in some cow poop. What a little goof ball. 
The first picture is Reagan on red day.
 Next, my cow poop leg.

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