Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Yellow Day and Walking Brandy - 258/365

Today was yellow day at preschool!
In all her Fall school wardrobe we had zero yellow, so I went digging in the bag of her Spring clothes and found her lemon stuff from Gymboree. She was able to nail it. It was hilarious. It was a NEON yellow, even. When Jim saw Reagan this morning he said, boy she's so reflective she could stop traffic. It was hilarious! She looked adorable!
They had a great day at school learning about the color yellow and squares. They made an adorable little project with yellow squares. They learned a song about Yellow and even how to spell it. She was spelling yellow all day. We are just amazed at what she is learning already and it's only been a couple weeks. 
This afternoon, we stopped at PetSmart to grab some stuff for all the family animals. Reagan has this new found love for riding UNDER the cart. It's a little frustrating because she'll drag her feet and stuff, but she LOVES it. I got a cute pic of her and Nana at the store. LOL!
While at PetSmart, I picked up a leash and harness for the cats. Karen got one for her cat and the cat loved it, so I figured I'd try one for our cats. Brandy was the one we could catch, so she was our "guinea pig." She actually LOVED it. She rolled around and walked all over, just loving exploring. It was a hoot. Reagan loved picking her up and carrying her around, too!
Jim had a good day at work and rotary. He is enjoying his roll as President.
Good day!
The first picture is Reagan and Harley on yellow day. 
 Next, her yellow square project.
Nana and Reagan at PetSmart
Finally, Jim walking Brandy while Reagan carries Brandy. 

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