Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bras and Bouncing - 325/365

Today, Nana, Reagan and I ran some errands. 
We went to the Gymboree and were disappointed, yet again, with the new line. Ugly, UGLY stuff! YUCK! 
 After the mall, we had a lunch at "Marianne's Restaurant", aka - LaRocca's. Reagan and the daytime server, Marianne, are best friends. Reagan always has to say "bye" even if she's not in the room when we leave. 
Later, I wanted to run in Khols to get some new long johns for the freezing football game this weekend. They have the long johns near the women's undergarments. My mom and I were checking out all the different styles and weights of the long johns saying, "Oh, this one is nice! How bought this one?" When all of a sudden, Reagan blurts out, loudly, "Is this one nice!?" Here, she was holding up a BRA! We about DIED laughing! It was the cutest thing! 
We also stopped in the regular woman's shirt section to look at a few tops. Reagan picked up a white shirt with little black Scotty dogs all over it. She proceeded to ask, "Does Daddy want this?" I sent Jim a picture of it, but he said it wasn't his size. LOL! Very funny shopping trip to Khols today! 
This evening, Jim took Reagan over to the Austintown Bounce to blow off some steam. They had a great time and spent nearly two hours there. I got a bunch of chores done while they were gone. Pretty good, FUNNY day!
The photo of the day is Reagan holding up the bra she thought was nice....
 Next, Jim's holiday shirts....
Finally, Reagan enjoying some bounce time.

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