Monday, November 25, 2013

Kraynak's - 329/365

This afternoon, Nana and I were going to run some errands. I have to say, we got A LOT accomplished. We bought a few Christmas presents and did some Thanksgiving errands. Plus, we squeaked in lunch at Dutch Hause! YUM! 
This evening, Jim and I decided we would take Reagan over to Kraynak's to check out Christmas Tree Lane before it gets too crowded. We lucked out, because there was no one there. We were able to take our time and check out each display. We went through three or four times. It was great! Reagan was fascinated with everything, she kept trying to go real fast to the next display. We had to keep slowing her down. She was pumped! I think her favorite display was, Donald Duck's nephews and Pluto hanging around a fire. She also loved the one with Rudolph and the Abominable Snowman. Jim and I LOVED the scene from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It was HILARIOUS! They had Clark and all his lights, along with Cousin Eddie and his motor home. Awesome! 
After we went through a couple times, we stopped to visit with Santa. Reagan told him she wanted, "Dora toys." Santa was awesome, he chatted with her all about Dora. He knew every character from the show. She loved it!
 By the time we left there, we were starving, so we went over to Applebee's and had some dinner. It was yummy! 
We had a really fun evening getting in the spirit of Christmas!
The photo of the day is Reagan with one of the displays.
 Next, Reagan and Santa
Finally, the cousin Eddie, display. 

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