Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tired Tuesday - 323/365

We were all still recovering from our vacation. I think we all needed a vacation from our vacation. 
I was fighting a minor cold and cough, so Jim's mom came over to pick up Reagan and take her to music class. They had a great time. 
Afterward, they spent the day at her house. They watched Finding Nemo and played with the cats. Grandma popped Reagan in the car around 2:15 to bring her home for nap. Reagan fell fast asleep in the car. Lately, she FIGHTS her nap, so for her to fall asleep in the car, she was pooped! 
 I spent the day doing a little laundry and looking through some pictures. I actually took a pretty nice nap myself! Bailey even hopped up and took a snooze with me. I think he was happy to have us home! 
Jim had a good day at work and had his Rotary meeting.
This evening, we just spent some time hanging around the house. Nothing major. 
The only photo I have is Bailey curled up next to me on the couch. LOL!

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