Friday, November 8, 2013

Packing and a Tea Party - 312/365

It was packing day! We're getting all geared up for our trip! We can't wait! 
Reagan had a slumber party at Nana and Papa's last night. They wanted to enjoy some Reagan time, since they won't see her next week. 
Today, Nana and Reagan spent the day building different things with legos and playing games. They also had a little tea party with some of her kitchen stuff. Reagan even made the two ladies that clean for my mom and dad, come to her tea party. They all had a great time at the party! LOL! 
 The morning was quiet without the little peanut here. We missed her! I did get a lot done though! I spent the day just organizing, cleaning and packing. 
When Jim got home from work, we met Nana, Papa and Reagan at Nicolini's for dinner. 
We had a great time!
The photo of the day is the luggage all ready to go! 
 Next, is Reagan hosting her tea party....

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