Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Editing and Bird Feeding - 310/365

Not much happening today.
Nana came to get Reagan this morning. They were going to spend the day together and I was going to try to finally finish sorting our Alaska pictures. I really want to start our photo book at some point! LOL! 
Nana and Reagan, had a good time at her house. It was kind of warm today, so they did a few things outside. Reagan helped Nana fill all her bird and squirrel feeders. She has A LOT! 
I did end up getting a lot of editing and sorting done! I ALMOST finished the whole batch! I am SO happy! 
Jim popped home from work a little early to take Brinkley up to the park to run before it got dark. What a nice daddy! When they got back from the park, Jim made us dinner! YUM! 
It was just one of those laid back kinda days. It was nice... 
The photo of the day is Reagan helping Nana....
 Next, is my editing...

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