Friday, November 1, 2013

Welcome all Turkeys! - 305/365

What a crazy windy day! 
We got a lot of rain and wind overnight, that kept up into this morning. There were gusts up to 50 miles an hour. It was nuts! 
The landscapers came the other day to do our Fall cutback. I had them transplant a Hyndrangea tree to another spot. Well apparently, it didn't have time to "grab hold", because it was laying down this morning. The poor thing looked so sad. Jim and I tried to stand it back up, as best we could. They are going to come early next week and stake it, until it adjusts to it's new spot. 
While Jim was at work, Reagan and I had a pajama day. It was so nice! She just played and played, while I packed up all our Halloween decorations. It was time to say goodbye to the ghosts and goblins. I can't stand to see the decorations after the holiday is over. They must go, right away. LOL! It was so fun getting the Turkey's out. They only get like three weeks, so it's good to see them. The fall and turkeys are my favorite of the whole year, I think. The colors are just warm and cozy. 
This evening, we just played around the house and had dinner. 
Good day!
The photo of the day is all my turkeys! LOL! 
 The next is our tipped over tree.

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