Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Winter Storm & Arthur is Back- 330/365

Winter Storm Warning today. 
I have to admit, it feels a little early for an actual "warning." Oh well. 
 We headed out to the store this morning to grab some stuff to get us through to Thanksgiving, before it got too bad. 
Reagan and I, were just going to hunker down and ride it out the rest of the afternoon. We had a nice day just hanging around. We played dollhouse and just watched the storm roll in. 
It started really snowing around 1:00. We finally went out to do the first shoveling around 2:30, before her nap. Her new snowsuit hadn't come yet, so she had to wear last years. It was a little short, but it got the job done. She had a ball shoveling the snow. She couldn't quite push her shovel with her mittens so she asked to take them off. She didn't even complain of cold fingers. She loved getting snow on the shovel and dumping it on Brinkley's head. He didn't even mind, he's always burying his head in the snow! By the time Jim was due home from work, it was REALLY snowing. It usually only takes him 10 minutes to get home from work, but this afternoon, it took around 30. He didn't see any wrecks, but he did see a firetruck and an ambulance. 
Once he got settled, we decided to all go out and play in the snow, even though it was dark. We thought it was the perfect day to bring, Arthur, our snowman, back to life. We have a little kit and when we built him last year, we named him Arthur. Reagan actually remembered his name! It was amazing! It didn't even take us that long. The snow was excellent packing snow. It was nice being out in the blizzard bringing Arthur back. We had so much fun! 
The photo of the day is Arthur! 
 Next, Reagan and Brinkley helping me shovel. Or, Reagan shoveling on Brinkley...

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