Monday, November 18, 2013

Newborn Pictures and Art - 322/365

Today, I was going to take a few pictures of my friend, Deanna's new baby boy, Michael. I was excited! 
 They got here around 10:00 and were very patient while I ran around and got some stuff together. I planned on doing some stuff when we got home from the airport the night before, but after the Fuzz man problem, that didn't happen. 
 Little Mike was fighting sleep for awhile, so we just had some time to chat, while we waited.
Reagan was in heaven because her pal, Violet came, too! The girls had a blast playing in the playroom. It was nice for them to get together. At one point, Reagan came around the corner to Deanna and I, in a Cinderella gown and Dracula teeth. We busted out laughing, trying not to wake the baby, that had JUST fallen asleep! It was a hoot! I wish I would have gotten a picture of that! 
By the end, I think we got some great shots and I was honored to be able to take them. 
After we finished up pictures, Nana, Reagan and I, went up to Inner Circle to get some lunch. When we got back home, Reagan and I both curled up and took naps. We were exhausted from our airport adventures.
Jim said he had a good first day back at work. Not too busy and not too slow.
Jim and Reagan went off to art class this evening at All the Little Birds. They made a really festive pumpkin for Thanksgiving. Jim said she did 90% of it all herself. He was so proud.
After art class, they stopped at the library and took out a few books about Fall and Thanksgiving. She loves going to the library!
Overall, it was a good first day back home. As good as it can be after leaving the "Happiest Place on Earth!" LOL!
The photo of the day is Reagan working on her pumpkin....
Next, the finished product...
Here is a photo of the future little Browns fan, Michael...

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