Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Voting, Mowing and Movies - 309/365

Busy day today! 
Jim headed out early, to do his civic duty... vote! He said it went quick. After, he went off to work and his rotary meeting. 
Grandma came over this morning, to spend the day with Reagan, while I went for a hair appointment. I was desperately needing a cut and color. It was a nice relaxing day at the "spa." 
Before heading home, I stopped to vote, too! I was in and out in less than 5 minutes!
When I got back, I ran the mower over the grass, since Jim's mom was still here. Hopefully, this was the last mow, but we shall see. I got a lot of the leaves chopped and raked up, which was nice. I also finally got to plant two butterfly bushes that were a gift from our friend, Robert. Also, grandma Mabel, had given me some crocus bulbs and a wildflower mix a few weeks ago. It was nice to finally get them in the ground. I put the crocus right at the edge of a triangular rock by the driveway, so I can keep an eye on them in the Spring. Can't wait! 
This evening, Jim and his mom, were going to go see Ender's Game at the Austintown theater. It was a movie about a teenager in the future. They really love the science fiction movies. Jim said it involved, space ships, aliens, and laser guns, so it was right up their ally! Exactly the kind of movie they like. Nikki, had read the book the movie was based on said she really enjoyed, both. The main star in the movie was Harrison Ford, who Jim said, he would pay to read the phone book, so he really enjoyed that he was in the movie. They had a great time!
 While they were at the movie, Reagan and I, had a dinner date with Nana and Papa at the Phoenix! We had a nice dinner. Reagan made everyone Thomas the Train sticker sheets, while we were eating! She's too funny! The photo of the day is Jim and his mom at the movie...
Next, is our "I Voted" stickers....

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