Saturday, November 9, 2013

Annual Passes and a Broken Lens - 313/365

Today was travel day! 
Jim, Reagan and I were heading down to Florida to spend some time with Mickey. We hadn't done a trip just the three of us this year, so we were wanting to get away. 
When we got up, we just spent some time getting everything ready. I hate coming home from vacation to a dirty house, so we did a lot of cleaning! LOL! 
We got to the airport and through security, without any problems. It was nice! We even got to go through a line where we could leave our shoes on. That, is a big plus when you bring as much crap as we do. 
When we got to our gate, there was a great little, kids table right there. Reagan ended up making two little friends. All three of them sat together playing iPad. It was such a hoot! 
  After flying to Seattle, this plane ride felt like nothing! Up and down - we were there! Reagan was a perfect angel on the plane. We landed in Orlando a little early, which was great! We grabbed our bags and car and were on the way. 
We always stop at Walmart to get pull-ups, wipes, snacks, water, juice and BEER! LOL! We were rolling right along and got to the "speedy checkout" line. You were supposed to have 20 items or less. The guy in front of us, BLATANTLY blew off that rule! He had a whole buggy full of stuff! It was like, "come on, man!" After he finally got on his way, we were on ours. 
Next, we were heading to Downtown Disney to grab our ANNUAL PASSES! Yes, we finally bit the bullet and purchased annual passes! Woo hoo! We are so excited! You got to pick the character you wanted on your pass. Jim picked, Donald. I, of course, wanted, Mickey! We really feel like a part of Disney now. It's too exciting!
I also hit the Photopass Station to activate our Photopass Plus. We would now be all set for tomorrow! 
We were finally off to check into our resort! We were staying at the Art of Animation Resort this time. Since we were staying a full week, we thought it would be nice to have a family suite. That way Reagan has her own room. Plus, the theme-ing is so cute for the little ones. They really get a kick out of it. We were staying in the Nemo section, which was great because it's close to everything! 
While, Jim was checking in, Reagan and I decided to hit the restroom. I had my camera on a low, kids hook in the stall. Reagan and I were trading spots, when it got bumped and came crashing down to the floor. I picked it up and the whole front glass was SHATTERED! I was sick and heartbroken. I have two other lenses with me, but this was my everyday, most versatile lens. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was just my UV filter that was shattered. I tried to unscrew it, but it was a no go. It was bent on one side and wasn't going anywhere. Now, I had to figure out how to get all the broken glass off, since it THANKFULLY, was still taking pictures! WHEW! When we got up to the room, I pulled the rest of the glass out with some tweezers. The lens itself has a loose spot, but it should get me through the week. 
  Finally, it was time to see our room. It was so adorable and HUGE! We love it! It is all decorated in Nemo. The little night stand lights are jellyfish and the mirrors in the bathroom look like portholes. Too cute! It's all those special touches that Disney does that makes every stay more magical. We love it and it will be a great home away from home! 
The photo of the day is our annual passes!  
 Next, is my shattered lens....
Fianlly, Reagan ready for her flight...

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