Monday, November 4, 2013

Mining Bathing Beauty - 308/365

We were still pumped up about the big win last night! How fun! 
 Jim's mom brought Reagan home around 10:30. She said she slept in, so she must be pretty comfy over there! She rarely sleeps in here..LOL!
This morning, my mom, Reagan and I were going to run an errand or two before they had to take my grandma for a check up. Reagan's hair was SO full of static this morning. It was hilarious!!! She looked like a wild child in the car seat! LOL! 
This afternoon, Reagan and I just played around the house. I threw some stuffed pepper soup in the crock-pot, too! YUM! 
When Jim got home, he and Reagan played in the playroom, while I went through Reagan's suitcase for next week! I got her all situated! We are ready! 
 I did have her try on her Ariel swimsuit, to make sure it still fit. It did, but she also insisted on wearing her miner hat that Ray and Jen got her. She also had to carry a blow up microphone, she pretty much stole, from Ray and Jenn, too! She looked so funny! She did NOT want to take any of it off. It was quite the look! LOVE HER! 
The photo of the day is our Mining Bathing Beauty!
 Next, is the static hair...

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