Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Take TWO - 333/365

Today, was decorating day! 
I never venture out for Black Friday, it scares me...LOL! I always just stay home and put my tree up. 
Jim had to go into work, so that was the plan. 
Jim's mom was nice enough to come and take Reagan for the day, so I could run up and down bringing the Christmas stuff up. Papa Greg had the day off, so they were just going to play at her house. 
I did manage to get everything up. I was so happy! I felt a little "scroogey" this year, though. I really wanted it up, but I REALLY didn't feel like doing it! Oh well, it's up and it looks great! I'm happy! LOL!
This evening, Jim, Reagan and I went over his mom and dad's to celebrate Thanksgiving. We have developed a tradition of getting Chinese food the day after Thanksgiving. We figure, we're all tired of turkey, so it's something different! It really works out great! We still have pumpkin pie though! We were all just as stuffed, as if we had, had turkey. 
 We had a great visit just chit-chatting. Reagan watched some Bubble Guppies and played with Timmy. She was pulling a blanket around that he would chase. She got a kick out of that. 
We had two great Thanksgiving celebrations! We are blessed....
The photo of the day is Reagan with Grandma and Papa Greg.
 Here are the finished decorations...
 And, Eppie (Epcot) our Elf has made his debut for this year!

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