Saturday, November 23, 2013

YSU & Family Fun - 327/365

Lots going on today...
 This morning, we just hung around and played toys with Reagan. 
Jimmy was leaving around noon, to head to the YSU game. He met, Greg, Steve, Frank and Kenny in the tailgate lot for a little bit, before the game. They said it was extremely cold, but they had a good time. 
The game itself was bad. The Penguins lost 42-13 to South Dakota State. That loss, ended up squashing their playoff hopes, too. It was sad. To add insult to injury, Jim and the guys endured blizzard like conditions on and off during the game. A couple times, it snowed so hard they could barely see the field. Jim and Greg left the game at the end of the third quarter, once they had enough. The roads got so bad during the game, Jim said it took him almost an hour to get home. We can usually get downtown in 15 minutes or less. Yikes! 
When he got home, he took a nice hot shower and played with Reagan a little bit. 
We had family fun dinner plans tonight, thankfully just in Austintown. It stopped snowing early, so the roads were clear by the time we left. We met, Nana, Papa, Raymond, Jennifer, Ed and Pam at Rachel's.  Ed and Pam were home to go to the Browns game with us the next day. We had a great dinner! Uncle Ed even brought Reagan a couple little cars. She loved them! 
The photo of the day is Jim and the guys at the game.
 Next, the Zabel crew after dinner.

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