Friday, November 22, 2013

House Warming - 326/365

This morning, Jim went off to work and I did some editing and blogging. I was so far behind in both things, that Nana was nice enough to take Reagan for just a couple hours, so I could get that stuff done.
 Tonight, we had a house warming party! Stacey and Kenny just built a new house and invited us over to check it out. They had a great little gathering! Steve, Kathy, Greg, Nikki, Adrienne, Jake, Nana, Papa, Jim, all the kids and I, were invited this evening. We were excited to finally check it out and visit with everyone. 
 For just moving in, they are surprisingly settled. You would think they've been there a year. It's just gorgeous! Stacey decorated everything so beautifully! All the colors are earth tones and so inviting. It's very homy and very cozy. They have the most amazing ceiling in the kitchen and living room. It's hard to even describe. Very pretty!  Kenny even wired the whole house himself for Ethernet. How he knew what to do, is beyond us, but they are all set!
They had quite the fest for us, too! Pizza, lasagna, subs, chicken tenders and all kinds of snacks! YUM! We were all stuffed! 
We really had a great visit and it was so nice to be together and have some laughs. The kids had a ball playing. They spent a lot of time bouncing on Stacey and Kenny's new couch. LOL! They watched a few videos, too! I even learned, "What does a fox say?" LOL! I must have been under a rock! Fun night! 
The photo of the day is us with our wonderful hosts! Thanks, Stacey and Kenny!

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