Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Basketball and a Check-up - 324/365

Today, Nana wanted to have a special day with Reagan, since she hadn't really scene her too much. She came to pick her up in the morning and took her back to her house. They played legos almost all day. Reagan is really into the Lego Duplos lately. Nana has a few sets at her house, so they have a good time building things. They built an animal hospital! 
This evening, when Papa got home, they went over to Tippy for dinner. There was a little excitement....the power went out! I guess Tippy was a bit concerned because they do have a generator, but it didn't pop on. The power was only out for 10-15 minutes, but with it getting dark so early, it was pitch black in there. LOL! After the lights came on, they continued their dinner and Reagan got her favorite dessert, ice cream with "frinkles." 
Reagan also brought her doctors kit over to Tippy and gave putter a check-up. She is totally into giving people check-ups. She went through the whole routine with him, blood pressure, shots, checking the heart, temperature and even gave him a band-aid. It was precious! 
While they were doing that, Jim went off to work and I just hung around the house doing chores during the day. 
This evening, Jim went off to the YSU basketball game with his Dad, Uncle Frank and Uncle Steve. They stopped at Warehouse 50 before the game, for some snacks and a couple beers. 
The game itself was great. YSU beat Thiel 82-58! Thiel scored the first two points, but YSU followed with 20 unanswered points. They also led by 35, most of the second half. Six of YSU's players scored double figures in the game and their record improved to 5-1. Looks like it's possibly shaping up to be a great year for the basketball team. 
When Nana and Papa dropped Reagan off this evening, Reagan and I played in the playroom for a little bit before her bath. She is really taking a liking to her Dracula teeth from Halloween. She ran around in the playroom with those for a good 15 minutes. It was too funny! 
The photo of the day is Frank, Steve, Jim and Greg enjoying the game.
 Next, is Reagan giving Putter a check-up. 
 Finally, Reagan and her Dracula teeth. 

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