Saturday, November 16, 2013

Magic Kingdom - 320/365

It was our last full day of our trip, bummer. We always get so sad to leave. 
We slept in a bit, since we were out late the night before. When we got up, Jim took Reagan out to the pool for a little bit, while I spent some time packing us up. Reagan and Jim had a great time in the pool! She was really loving the whole Nemo theme. 
Once we were all ready to hit the park, we went over to the Contemporary to have lunch at the Contempo Cafe. That's a great little quick service place and Reagan loves watching the monorails zoom through the building. We sampled two more cupcakes, too! We got the Root Beer and Red Velvet. Jim and I both, really liked the root beer one, but it was a little odd, too! It's not something you expect for a cupcake. The red velvet was delicious! 
Once we were done, we were off to the Magic Kingdom. It was raining a little bit again, but nothing where you felt you needed a poncho. Just a light sprinkle that actually felt kinda good! We got in and hit just about everything! We were bound and determined to suck up everything we could. We did, PhilharMagic, Ariel, Winnie the Pooh, Dumbo, and Barnstormer. 
We also stopped at the new Pete's Silly Sideshow in Storybook Circus for the Minnie, Daisy, Donald and Goofy meet and greet. Their outfits back there are just amazing. They are all in fortune telling theme except for Goofy. He's got some pilot gear on. 
Next, we walked over to Tomorrowland to do Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear. I am horrible at Buzz, I always lose by THOUSANDS! Jim is amazing at it! He always has an awesome score.
We had gotten fast passes for the new talking Mickey. Jim and Reagan, visited with him the other night, but I hadn't had a chance to see him yet. Wow, is it weird to walk in there and have him talk to you. Mickey asked Reagan if she's ever flown like Peter Pan, put his arms out and "flew" around the room. She did exactly as he did and flew around, too! It was hilarious! She loved it! 
Next, we went to the new Princess meet and greet where the old Snow White ride used to be. They have two lines, with two princesses in each. We chose the Snow White and Rapunzel line. Reagan happened to have a Snow White dress and necklace on. Boy, was Snow White impressed. They talked for quite a few minutes. It was adorable. Snow White kept holding up her necklace and just smiling. Reagan was so happy! I actually tried to take Mr. Fuzzy from Reagan for pictures, so we could see her dress. She yanked him back out of my hands and said, "NO! Snow White wants to meet Mr. Fuzzy!" It was such a hoot!
After that we went to Pecos Bill's Cafe to have some dinner. The Magic Kingdom does not do food well. It's always a line and always LONG! Poor Jim was in line for a little over a 1/2 hour for our dinner. Reagan and I were lucky enough to just hang out at the table coloring and stuff. The food ended up being pretty good, though! 
After that, we went over to Adventureland to ride a few things. We did the "Jingle Cruise" again and Pirates. We did the Magic Carpets twice, and, were lucky enough to see Wishes again from up there. That's three times we got to see the fireworks from a ride. 
After that, we stopped for a Dole Whip. You really can't visit Disney and not get a Dole Whip. It's criminal! LOL! 
We were now going to head back over toward Fantasyland. We hit Haunted Mansion on the way. Next, we did, It's a Small World and Peter Pan. It was 10:30 by this time. I wanted to head over to the Emporium, to browse around for a little bit, so Jim and Reagan went to ride a few things. They did Ariel and It's a Small World again. They had fun, and I found a few treasures at the store. Reagan kept telling Jim she wanted to ride more rides. When he told her the park had finally closed and we couldn't ride any more rides, she closed her eyes and fell right to sleep. It was amazing! She was OUT! 
We always get so sad walking out of the parks, especially now that we have her. Watching the amazement and wonder in her eyes is something we will never forget. We just wish we could freeze this age. She is so adorable and just loves it all! We had an amazing trip!  
The photo of the day is Reagan and her new best friend, Snow White.
 Next, Reagan and Mickey finishing up their "flying" session.
Finally, our yummy root beer cupcake....

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